Iron Phoenix Riding Club
Constitution and Blylaws
This page is standard white page and black text in order for ease of reading. It was not a mistake.
1.01 Mission Statement
Iron Phoenix Riding Club (hereinafter referred to as "IPRC") is a Motorcycle Riding Club that is dedicated to furthering and promoting exclusively charitable purposes especially dealing with suicide prevention and awareness; to carry out its purpose to transform lives and communities through the power of education and social welfare. The strength of the IPRC relies on the principles of integrity, prudence, respect, compassion, honesty, and courage as are exhibited by its Membership.
2.01 Creation and Ownership
The Iron Phoenix Riding Club was created through the united respect, ideals, beliefs and mutual sense of family, by the founding Members
Anthony Knoll
Matthew Ryals
Jillian Ryals
Vincent Johnson II
Fred Reckman
These founding Members hereafter reserve all rights to the control and design of Iron Phoenix Riding Club colors, name, copyright, state mark, and federal trademark. The founding Members have exclusive control of the Mother Club. The founding Members will always maintain ownership of IPRC, to ensure the Club is lead in the path set forth by their vision.
3.01 History of Club Name
The history and meaning behind the Name of IPRC is as follows:
Iron Phoenix Riding Club was officially created in Feb of 2016. Since then the club has gone through many changes until it has fully been formed into the club you see today. Iron Phoenix Riding Club represents the nature of those who have learned to overcome the struggle of suicide and self-harm. Iron represents the strength yet fragility of one’s life. The phoenix is our symbol of our rebirth from the hardships of life and our dedication to helping others achieve this goal.
4.01 Boards and Charters
(A) International Executive Board
The International Executive Board will consist of the Founding Members of IPRC during the first ten years of the Club’s life; thereafter, the International Executive Board will consist of elected Full Patch Members, as well as the Founding Members who have not moved on to Advisory or Honorary positions. The International Executive Board will consist of a President, a Vice President, a XO, Sgt. At Arms and a Ride Director and any other positions and/or committees that are elected by the International E-Board. The International Executive Board will oversee the Club-wide observation of the by-laws, and the fair and just handling of Club issues (including, but not limited to, the voting and vetting in of new Charters, modification of the Bylaws, Codes of Conduct, and other Club documents, complete records of Membership information and Club history, the organization of Club-wide events, any punitive measures distributed from the Presidents’ Roundtable to a Charter or Member, and all other Club-wide votes and decisions).
(B) Charters
Charters will be created in states or countries with a minimum of at least five Full Patched Members. Each Charter will likewise elect an Executive Board. The Charter Executive Board will consist of the Founding Members of the Charter during the first five years of the Charter’s life; thereafter, the Charter Executive Board will be voted upon by the Charter’s Membership every two years. The Charter Executive Board consists of a President, a Vice President, a XO, a Ride Director and any other positions and/or committees that are elected by the Charter E-Board. The Charter Executive Board will oversee the Charter observation of the by-laws, communication of Club business to the Charter’s Members, and the fair and just handling of Charter issues (including, but not limited to, the voting in of new Members and Associates, modification of the Charter Operating Policy and other Club documents, the organization of Charter events, any punitive measures distributed from the Charter to a Member, Associate, or Prospect, and all other Charter votes and decisions).
(C) Presidents’ Roundtable
The President’s Roundtable consists of the International President and all Charter Presidents. Each President is responsible for protecting their Charter’s interest during Roundtable votes and discussions. The International President and each Charter President may cast one (1) vote during Roundtable decisions; that vote should represent the majority vote of the Charter’s Membership. No Club-wide decisions shall be made until a majority vote has been reached by the President’s Roundtable.
4.02 Membership Positions
(A) International President
The International President is Chief Executive Officer of the Iron Phoenix Riding Club International (ie. chairman of the Executive Board, which consists of International President, Vice President, XO, Sgt-at-Arms, and any other position elected by the International E-Board). The International President is responsible for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the Club's mission and Colors, thus he has power and authority to run the Club’s administrative branch as he deems necessary for the good of the organization; for decisions that affect the entirety of the Club’s membership, the International President shall call a vote at the Presidents’ Roundtable. The International President is elected by a majority vote of all Charter Presidents, and shall hold a four year term. The International cabinet, including International Vice President, XO, Sgt-at-Arms, and any other position voted into the Rank Structure by the International E-Board shall be appointed by the International President. This office must be held by a Member in good standing for a minimum of five (5) years.
(B) International Vice President
The International Vice President shall perform all duties and exercise all powers of the International President when the International President is absent or otherwise unable to act. The International Vice President is responsible for daily operation of the Club, and routinely reports back to the International President. The International VP is responsible for ensuring that Club operations are efficient and effective, and that the proper management of resources and human resources, distribution of funds and merchandise, management of the Club name and image, and analysis of queue systems is conducted. The International VP shall be responsible for developing and cascading the Club's mission statement to all Members, and implementing rewards/recognition and coaching/corrective practices to align Members with IPRC goals. The International VP's duties include: planning by prioritizing charity, Member and Club requirements; maintaining and monitoring Membership expectations and motivation to fulfill Club requirements; and driving performance measures for Club operation (including a consideration of efficiency versus effectiveness), often in the form of reports convenient for review by Executive, State, and Charter Boards.
(C) International XO
The International XO is responsible for the overall representation of the IPRC, including all materials, media, and branding associated with the Club. As such, the International XO is responsible for the design, vision, and direction of the Club mission, thus he must have a strong command of the technical aspects of the Club. The International XO ensures that all branding, advertising, and media exposure is aligned with the values and image promoted by the IPRC, and is therefore responsible for the management of Club records and public relations. International XO duties include: annual review of Constitution & Bylaws, Codes of Conduct, and other Club documents, management of Club records and correspondences, any and all copyright requirements, and any other duties deemed necessary by the International President/Vice President. The International XO routinely reports back to the International Vice President.
(D) International Sgt-at-Arms
The International Sgt-at-Arms is concerned with law enforcement, anti-terrorism, and force protection. The International Sgt-at-Arms serves as the IPRC internal police force, and is responsible for maintaining order and discipline, enforcing rules and regulations, and protecting life and property. International Sgt-at-Arms is highly trained in preplanned responses to multiple variances of potential threats to the Club and its Members, thus he is designated to neutralize threats and promote safely executed Club missions within the bounds of law.
(E) International Ride Director
The International Ride Director shall assist Charter Ride Directors in learning to set routes for upcoming events and/or rides. The International Ride Director shall inform the XO of the proposed Club ride so that Club moneys may be accounted for. The International Ride Director is expected to work with the Charter Ride Directors to promote efficiency of Club rides. The Ride Director verifies route, formation, speed, passing, stops, re-fueling, break down procedure the road captain and tail gunner. The International Ride Director can lead the club in formation while riding as a club. There is no term limit for the international Ride Director position, and will be considered ongoing unless voted otherwise by majority vote (51%) of all current full Members of the Charter.
(F) Charter President
The Charter President shall supervise the affairs of their Charter, including but not limited to: charity and fundraising events, social gatherings, Charter meetings, and management of funds. The Charter President shall preside over all Charter meetings and events, and he shall conduct them with efficiency and dignity. The Charter President shall grant voice to all Members present, and shall consider all information before making decisions on behalf of the Charter. Other duties may include: co-signing checks on behalf of the Charter, receiving and allocating charitable funds, calling special meetings or holding special votes. The Charter President position shall hold term for a minimum of two years, and shall be decided by majority vote (51%) of the Charter Membership. Candidates for Charter Presidency must be a Member in good standing for a minimum of 4 years.
(G) Charter Vice President
The Charter Vice President shall be appointed by the Charter President, and must be a Member in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year. The Charter Vice President shall perform all duties and exercise all powers of the Charter President if the Charter President is absent or is otherwise unable to act. The Charter VP, together with the Charter President, shall oversee the operation of their Charter and ensure that the integrity of the Club name is upheld. The Charter VP is responsible for communicating the mission of IPRC to Charter Members, and implementing rewards/recognition and coaching/corrective strategies where he deems necessary.
(H) Charter XO
The Charter XO shall have charge and custody of all funds of the IPRC Charter. The XO shall deposit such funds as is required into the Charters' designated banking facility, and shall maintain adequate and correct accounts of the IPRC properties and business transactions, including but not limited to: banking documents, receipts, and any other transactions approved by the Charter President and Charter VP. The XO shall keep an accurate record of Member status to include applications, background checks, current licensing and insurance, addresses and contact information. The XO shall keep minutes of all meetings, and shall maintain correspondences pertaining to IPRC events and functions. The XO shall notify all Members of scheduled meetings, and shall notify the Charter Board of any and all moneys owed to or by the IPRC. The Charter XO shall be appointed by the Charter President.
(I) Charter Sergeant-at-Arms
The Charter Sergeant-at-Arms is the enforcer of the IPRC Charter, and shall be appointed by majority vote of (51%) of Charter Members. Duties of the Sergeant- at-Arms include, but are not limited to, maintaining order at Charter meetings, gatherings and events. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall notify the Charter President and/or Charter VP of any and all activities that may be detrimental to the integrity of the IPRC name, and/or the protection of IPRC Members’ life and properties. The Sergeant-at-Arms position shall be voted upon every two years. Upon election to the Sergeant-at-Arms position, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall report directly to the Sgt-at-Arms for a debriefing.
(J) Charter Ride Director
The Charter Ride Director shall assist in setting routes for upcoming events and/or rides. The Charter Ride Director shall consider time restrictions, rest stops, meals and other meetings when setting a route, and shall inform the XO of the proposed trip so that Club moneys may be accounted for. The Charter Ride Director is responsible for the safety of the rider, thus he is expected to take a safety survey of all bikes before a ride to eliminate any noticeable safety issues. The Charter Ride Director is expected to work with the Road Captains to promote efficiency of the ride and maintain tightness of formation. The Charter Ride Director, Prior to leaving on a run, verifies route, formation, speed, passing, stops, re-fueling, break down procedure the road captain and tail gunner. The Charter Ride Director can lead the club in formation while riding as a club. The Charter Ride Director ensures that new prospects are fully briefed on riding protocol and hand signals before they may ride with the club. A maintenance supervisor may optionally be designated to help with this requirement. There is no term limit for the Ride Director position, and will be considered ongoing unless voted otherwise by majority vote (51%) of all current full Members of the Charter.
(K) Optional Positions
Charter may elect to create optional positions not stated herein (including, but not limited to: Tail gunner, Chaplain, Support Vehicle Driver, etc.) as the need for such positions arise.
5.01 Consideration for Membership
To be considered for Membership in the IPRC, one must adhere to the following protocols:
(A) Membership Application
Sign and complete the IPRC Membership Application, indicating an agreement to abide by and maintain the integrity of the IPRC By-laws
(B) IPRC Oath
Sign the IPRC Oath, indicating they have read the Code of Conduct and agree to follow it to the best of their ability.
(C) Responsibility
Be responsible for the proper conduct and licensing of any and all fundraisers, raffles, or events that raise monies for Charter business and/or charities, and to do so in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
5.02 Open Membership
Membership of the IPRC is open to the public and any individual who exhibits dedication to the IPRC principles.
5.03 Motorcycle Requirements
All IPRC Members, including Prospect Members, must own and operate a motorcycle of 500cc or above. Members must possess a valid motorcycle operator’s license or permit, along with current motorcycle insurance.
5.04 Payment & Delivery of Colors
Each new Member Application shall be submitted electronically or in hard-copy to their Sponsor. Hard-copy applications must be accompanied by a photo ID, proof of insurance, motorcycle registration and motorcycle operator’s license, as well as a check or money order for a one-time application fee of $60 (checks and money orders can be made out to “Iron Phoenix Riding Club”). Once the new Membership fee is processed, IPRC will deliver that Member’s colors to their Charter President, who will then bestow the colors upon that Member when full Membership rights have been performed.
5.05 Conflicts of Interest
IPRC Members are prohibited from being a Member of any other Motorcycle Club/Riding Club and will be required to wear IPRC colors at any organized event at which the IPRC is being represented.
5.06 Full Disclosure
IPRC requires full disclosure of its Members; therefore, if a Member finds himself (or herself) in legal or moral trouble that might jeopardize the name of IPRC, that Member is expected to notify their President immediately. That President shall construct a plan to deal with the issue.
5.07 Mandatory Prospect Period
All Members of the IPRC will observe a mandatory Prospect period of three months.
6.01 Sponsorship & Induction
An individual who desires Membership with the IPRC shall have a Full Patched Member in good standing as a sponsor. The sponsor must have personal knowledge of the Prospect Member. The sponsoring Member shall introduce the Prospect to the Charter within the setting of a scheduled meeting. The Charter Executive Board shall have the opportunity to question the candidates’ qualifications, knowledge of the Club’s mission and philosophy, and reasons for joining the Club. The Prospect Member shall then be dismissed from the meeting, and attending Charter Members shall discuss that Prospect’s Prospect status. Induction as a Prospect shall be based on majority vote. The Prospect shall wear designated Prospect Colors until voted into the Club by majority vote as a Full Patched Member.
6.02 Voting Privileges
Prospect Members do not have voting privileges in the IPRC.
6.03 Task Responsibility
Prospect Members shall be responsible for any lawful task assigned by their sponsors, provided that task has been approved by the Charter President/Vice-President.
6.04 Riding Name
Prospect Members may submit a riding name for approval by the Charter President. A riding name may also be assigned by that Prospect’s sponsor.
6.05 Prospect Period
The Prospect period is set at a maximum of six months and a minimum of three months. Once the Prospect has proven he or she is worthy of becoming a Full Patch Member, their sponsor and/or any other Full Patched Member will motion for a vote at a scheduled meeting.
7.01 Meaning of Colors
The symbolism of the IPRC Patch is as follows: The phoenix is the symbol of our rebirth from the hardships of life and our dedication to helping others achieve that goal. The top of the patch has the word Iron which represents the strength yet fragility of one’s life. The word phoenix at the bottom has the same meaning as the phoenix head. The RC stand for riding club.
7.02 Placement of Colors
Because every region has its own cultural needs, Charters may decide upon the best placement of the colors to ensure safety and uniformity. It is recommended that the patch lay out along the back of a black leather vest with the Alliance patch being place under the beak of the phoenix.
The name tag should be on the right side chest of the vest (when looking at the vest) and the charter tag placed on the left. If member is an officer the office tag should be placed above the charter tag.
8.01 Non-Transferable Membership
Membership in the IPRC may not be transferred or reassigned to another person.
8.02 Non-Transferable Property
IPRC property, colors, patches and pins may not be transferred or reassigned to another person without approval of Charter and/or Club leadership.
9.01 Application Fee & International Dues
Prospect members shall pay a one-time fee of $60 to IPRC International upon application. Each Charter is expected to construct an Operating Policy that shall determine the amount and frequency of Charter Dues; the Charter XO is responsible for collecting dues for each Charter Member. All membership dues and fees are non-refundable. Ten percent (10%) of dues collected at an established charter will be paid to IPRC International. These monies will be set aside and used for IPRC International purposes. These purposes may include things such as, helping a new charter get established, treasury, banners, t-shirts, etc. The IPRC International XO will maintain a record of dues paid to and expenses of the IPRC International treasury.
9.02 Charter Accounts
Membership dues shall be paid to each Charter in accordance with that Charter’s Operating Policy. Each Charter is responsible for creating a bank account to hold dues and other Charter monies. All Charter Executive Board members should be listed as co-signers on the account. Each Charter shall draft up a legally binding agreement signed by all co-signers regarding the proper handling of Club Funds, which will clearly articulate: who can withdraw money, use a debit card, or sign checks on the account, and how much money can be spent without a Charter vote. If the Charter should fold, all Charter debts shall be paid from the Charter’s funds first, and the remaining balance shall be given to a charity chosen by the President’s Roundtable.
9.03 Refundable Fees
Reimbursement for return of patches is as follows: 50% refund up to a year of patch in date. 20% up to two years after initial refund period.
9.04 Non-Refundable Dues & Fees
All Membership dues and fees are non-refundable.
10.01 Meeting Times & Locations
Each Charter shall designate meeting times and locations. Each Charter is required to meet at least once every 90 days. Each Member is expected to attend at least two scheduled Meetings, and assist in at least two IPRC events per calendar year. Special exceptions can be made to this rule if the Charter President/Vice-President deems it necessary.
10.02 All Votes at Charter Meetings
All votes will take place at Charter Meeting. No Charter decisions will be made unless a majority vote can be reached. An absentee vote shall be allowed by a Full Patch Member if that absentee Member forwards their vote to the President/Vice-President prior to the meeting.
10.03 Day-to-Day Decisions
Club decisions pertaining to the day to day operation of the IPRC can be made by the President/Vice-President between scheduled meetings. The President/Vice-President may use their discretion to make decisions for the betterment of the Club. However, no decision requiring the use of IPRC monies (over $20) shall be made without a proper vote at a designated Meeting.
10.04 Visibility of Voting Issues
Voting issues may or may not be declared prior to a particular meeting. Therefore, if it is decided by those in attendance that the vote should not be held until all Members have had the right to vote, the issue shall be tabled until the following Charter meeting. If it is decided by those in attendance that the item up for vote does not require the input of every Charter Member, the vote shall proceed.
10.05 International Board Attendance
Members of the International Executive Board may attend any meeting held by any Charter. The Charter President of the Charter holding Meeting will always preside over that Charter Meeting, even if the International Executive Board President is present.
11.01 Formal Agreements
The IPRC has entered into agreements with certain fulfillment companies with respect to the management of Club image and merchandising. For this reason, no IPRC Club Member may reproduce the IPRC image on any clothing, apparel, accessories, or web media without express written permission of the IPRC International Executive Board. All purchases of merchandise or graphic representation of the IPRC colors must be made with the IPRC. Fulfillment agreements will be in effect until a new formal agreement is reached by the IPRC.
11.02 Purchasing Colors
All purchases of IPRC colors, merchandise, or other materials must be made through the IPRC International Executive Board. The IPRC image may, however, be reproduced on fliers and/or stationary at the discretion of the individual IPRC Charters (with the direct and specific permission from the Charter President). IPRC has the right to cease any Charter’s colors reproduction for any reason at any time.
11.03 Non-Partisan Representation
The IPRC is a non-partisan entity, and does not promote political activism of any kind. As such, the IPRC colors must never be represented at political rallies, campaign activities, demonstrations, or any other event meant to promote a political agenda. The IPRC name must never be associated with a Member’s personal political beliefs.
12.01 Member Resignation
If a Full Patched Member leaves the Club for any reason, he must submit their resignation in writing to the appropriate leadership.
12.02 Divorce, Separation, or Parting of Ways
In the event of divorce, separation, or another parting of ways between a Full Patched Member and another Full Patch Member, the rights of both the Full Patched Members will be respected equally by the Club.
13.01 Annual Membership Review
IPRC will review Membership status yearly on the basis of participation, behavior, continuing background checks, and overall dedication to the Club and its mission. If a Member is found to be in bad standing, the IPRC will decide if that Member shall be counseled, suspended, or terminated. The President for the territory in which the individual holds Membership will be notified and may also be involved in counseling.
13.02 Dismissal Procedures
Membership of any IPRC Member shall be terminated if that Member has submitted a written request for dismissal to the President and/or Vice President of thier Charter. The President and/or Vice President shall respond in writing to that request with permission of dismissal. Upon dismissal of a Member, all IPRC Colors (and any other material or digital Club property) will be returned to the Charter immediately. IPRC. Former Members and non-Members are prohibited from wearing IPRC Colors unless in a supporter capacity, per the discretion of the Club. (Any and all disagreements will be brought to a vote.)
13.03 Conduct Unbecoming of a Patch Holder
Termination can occur if any Member is found to have engaged in activities (online, in public, or within their family) that are unbecoming of a Patch Holder and reflect poorly on the Club as a whole, as defined in the Codes of Conduct. Any Charter President has the right to call a motion to have a Member suspended or voted out for conduct unbecoming of a Patch Holder. Once evidence is gathered and presented to all Charter Members, a vote will be held. No decisions for termination will be made unless a majority vote can be reached. If the Member is voted out, he or she must immediately turn in the IPRC Colors to a current Member in good standing, relinquish control of any digital information (Facebook account, email account, or otherwise), and relinquish control of any other IPRC property (bank account, trademark, etc). Any removed Member found in violation of the above requests after being excommunicated from the IPRC will be subject to litigation.
13.04 Violation of Bylaws
If a Patch Holder has violated the Bylaws and/or Code of Conduct to the degree that the violation has become known at the International level, the President’s Roundtable will discuss the issue and propose a plan for dealing with the violation; that proposal will be communicated to the Charter President. The Charter will have the opportunity to deal with the offending Member. If the violations continue, or if the Charter President is unwilling or unable to deal with the violation, the vote will be opened to the President’s Roundtable, which will determine any punitive measures that might be taken against a Member or a Charter. (The President of that Charter will have the opportunity to defend their actions, the Charter’s actions, and their Members’ actions at the Roundtable meeting.)
14.01 Club Integrity
The attitude of each Member (Full or Prospect) shall maintain a positive level of enthusiasm for the Club’s mission and accomplishments. Creating animosity and/or consistently displaying a negative attitude toward Club business shall be identified as harmful to the Club’s integrity, and shall be dealt with accordingly.
14.02 Chain of Command
All IPRC Members are expected to respect the chain of command established in the IPRC Constitution and By-laws. The chain of command is as follows: Prospect Members may defer to their sponsors; Full Members defer to the Executive Board of their own Charters. Charter E-Boards defer to the President’s Roundtable. At-Large members defer to the International Executive Board. No IPRC Member may make changes to Club operations, documents, patches, intellectual property, or announce any Club decisions outside of these provisions. Failure to commit to this chain of command may result in a formal inquiry.
14.03 Failure to Pay Dues
Failure to pay dues will result in an inquiry. If a Member is unable to pay dues due to reasons deemed acceptable by the appropriate Executive Board, arrangements can be made to meet necessary dues. Dues not paid for a succession of 90 days will result in suspension of IPRC Colors until dues can be brought current. Dues left delinquent for a 13 month period will result in Membership termination.
14.04 Criminal Charges
Any Member charged with a criminal matter shall be suspended immediately until the matter is adjudicated, or shall be dealt with by the Charter E-Board or Presidents’ Roundtable, according to the severity of the circumstances. The Presidents’ Roundtable will have final jurisdiction over the proper handling of a Member charged with a criminal offense.
14.05 Written Notification
A Member who has been suspended for any reason shall be notified in writing by the Charter President/Vice-President.
14.06 Suspension or Termination Procedures
If any suspension leads to termination, that termination shall be voted upon during a scheduled meeting by all attending Full Patch Members (or in cases of extreme urgency or flagrant violation of by-laws, by all E-Board Members). Each Member will be notified of the situation, and a vote will be held. If a Member cannot attend the scheduled meeting, that Member shall forward their vote to the Charter President/Vice-President, or abstain from the vote entirely. Majority vote will determine whether the Member in question is to be terminated, or whether full Membership rights can be regained. The same will hold true if the vote is rendered by all Board Members rather than the Members of the Charter. This instance could occur if several Members from one Charter were in violation of the by-laws, and a majority vote could be reached within the Charter. If the majority of a Charter is in violation of the Bylaws, the issue will be presented to the President’s Roundtable, and a majority decision will determine any punitive measures taken against the Charter.
14.07 Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action toward any Member for violation of the IPRC Constitution and By-laws will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and all circumstances surrounding the issue shall be considered. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to: verbal reprimand, written reprimand, probation, suspension, or termination. Disciplinary action of any kind shall be documented and included in that Member’s file for future review. Any issues and/or concerns that do not result in disciplinary actions, but have in some form disrupted the mission of the IPRC, will also be included in the Member’s file for future review. That file shall be maintained by the Charter XO, and hosted on the IPRC Cloud Drive and granted visibility to the Presidents’ Round Table.
14.08 Membership Reinstatement
A suspended Member who wishes to be reinstated must submit a written request to their Charter President/Vice-President. If the suspension resulted in dues or monies owed, that debt shall be paid in full before reinstatement in the IPRC. If the Member is unsatisfied with the response he has received from the Charter E-Board, he may forward their request to the Presidents’ Roundtable.
14.09 Formal Hearing Requests
Any Member who has been subjected to suspension or termination has the ability to request a formal hearing with the IPRC. The hearing will be presided over by the Member’s Charter E-Board and any other Charter Members. This hearing shall be the suspended or terminated Member’s opportunity to make a case for him or herself for immediate reinstatement into the Club. Upon completion of the discussion, the subject in question shall remove himself or herself from the room. The attending Members must approve the actions taken by the E-Board with a majority vote. If the attending Members do not support the actions taken by the IPRC, then the subject in question shall be immediately reinstated with full privileges. Should the Charter E-Board become unsatisfied with the Charter’s majority vote, the issue may be brought to the Presidents’ Roundtable, and the vote may be opened Club-wide.
14.10 Right to Revoke Membership
IPRC reserves the right to decline an application or revoke a Membership at any time for any reason.
15.01 Disclaimer
Membership with the IPRC is voluntary. As such, the IPRC shall not be held responsible for any acts of God, negligence, Members, or other motorists, that result in injury or death.
1.01 Mission Statement
Iron Phoenix Riding Club (hereinafter referred to as "IPRC") is a Motorcycle Riding Club that is dedicated to furthering and promoting exclusively charitable purposes especially dealing with suicide prevention and awareness; to carry out its purpose to transform lives and communities through the power of education and social welfare. The strength of the IPRC relies on the principles of integrity, prudence, respect, compassion, honesty, and courage as are exhibited by its Membership.
2.01 Creation and Ownership
The Iron Phoenix Riding Club was created through the united respect, ideals, beliefs and mutual sense of family, by the founding Members
Anthony Knoll
Matthew Ryals
Jillian Ryals
Vincent Johnson II
Fred Reckman
These founding Members hereafter reserve all rights to the control and design of Iron Phoenix Riding Club colors, name, copyright, state mark, and federal trademark. The founding Members have exclusive control of the Mother Club. The founding Members will always maintain ownership of IPRC, to ensure the Club is lead in the path set forth by their vision.
3.01 History of Club Name
The history and meaning behind the Name of IPRC is as follows:
Iron Phoenix Riding Club was officially created in Feb of 2016. Since then the club has gone through many changes until it has fully been formed into the club you see today. Iron Phoenix Riding Club represents the nature of those who have learned to overcome the struggle of suicide and self-harm. Iron represents the strength yet fragility of one’s life. The phoenix is our symbol of our rebirth from the hardships of life and our dedication to helping others achieve this goal.
4.01 Boards and Charters
(A) International Executive Board
The International Executive Board will consist of the Founding Members of IPRC during the first ten years of the Club’s life; thereafter, the International Executive Board will consist of elected Full Patch Members, as well as the Founding Members who have not moved on to Advisory or Honorary positions. The International Executive Board will consist of a President, a Vice President, a XO, Sgt. At Arms and a Ride Director and any other positions and/or committees that are elected by the International E-Board. The International Executive Board will oversee the Club-wide observation of the by-laws, and the fair and just handling of Club issues (including, but not limited to, the voting and vetting in of new Charters, modification of the Bylaws, Codes of Conduct, and other Club documents, complete records of Membership information and Club history, the organization of Club-wide events, any punitive measures distributed from the Presidents’ Roundtable to a Charter or Member, and all other Club-wide votes and decisions).
(B) Charters
Charters will be created in states or countries with a minimum of at least five Full Patched Members. Each Charter will likewise elect an Executive Board. The Charter Executive Board will consist of the Founding Members of the Charter during the first five years of the Charter’s life; thereafter, the Charter Executive Board will be voted upon by the Charter’s Membership every two years. The Charter Executive Board consists of a President, a Vice President, a XO, a Ride Director and any other positions and/or committees that are elected by the Charter E-Board. The Charter Executive Board will oversee the Charter observation of the by-laws, communication of Club business to the Charter’s Members, and the fair and just handling of Charter issues (including, but not limited to, the voting in of new Members and Associates, modification of the Charter Operating Policy and other Club documents, the organization of Charter events, any punitive measures distributed from the Charter to a Member, Associate, or Prospect, and all other Charter votes and decisions).
(C) Presidents’ Roundtable
The President’s Roundtable consists of the International President and all Charter Presidents. Each President is responsible for protecting their Charter’s interest during Roundtable votes and discussions. The International President and each Charter President may cast one (1) vote during Roundtable decisions; that vote should represent the majority vote of the Charter’s Membership. No Club-wide decisions shall be made until a majority vote has been reached by the President’s Roundtable.
4.02 Membership Positions
(A) International President
The International President is Chief Executive Officer of the Iron Phoenix Riding Club International (ie. chairman of the Executive Board, which consists of International President, Vice President, XO, Sgt-at-Arms, and any other position elected by the International E-Board). The International President is responsible for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the Club's mission and Colors, thus he has power and authority to run the Club’s administrative branch as he deems necessary for the good of the organization; for decisions that affect the entirety of the Club’s membership, the International President shall call a vote at the Presidents’ Roundtable. The International President is elected by a majority vote of all Charter Presidents, and shall hold a four year term. The International cabinet, including International Vice President, XO, Sgt-at-Arms, and any other position voted into the Rank Structure by the International E-Board shall be appointed by the International President. This office must be held by a Member in good standing for a minimum of five (5) years.
(B) International Vice President
The International Vice President shall perform all duties and exercise all powers of the International President when the International President is absent or otherwise unable to act. The International Vice President is responsible for daily operation of the Club, and routinely reports back to the International President. The International VP is responsible for ensuring that Club operations are efficient and effective, and that the proper management of resources and human resources, distribution of funds and merchandise, management of the Club name and image, and analysis of queue systems is conducted. The International VP shall be responsible for developing and cascading the Club's mission statement to all Members, and implementing rewards/recognition and coaching/corrective practices to align Members with IPRC goals. The International VP's duties include: planning by prioritizing charity, Member and Club requirements; maintaining and monitoring Membership expectations and motivation to fulfill Club requirements; and driving performance measures for Club operation (including a consideration of efficiency versus effectiveness), often in the form of reports convenient for review by Executive, State, and Charter Boards.
(C) International XO
The International XO is responsible for the overall representation of the IPRC, including all materials, media, and branding associated with the Club. As such, the International XO is responsible for the design, vision, and direction of the Club mission, thus he must have a strong command of the technical aspects of the Club. The International XO ensures that all branding, advertising, and media exposure is aligned with the values and image promoted by the IPRC, and is therefore responsible for the management of Club records and public relations. International XO duties include: annual review of Constitution & Bylaws, Codes of Conduct, and other Club documents, management of Club records and correspondences, any and all copyright requirements, and any other duties deemed necessary by the International President/Vice President. The International XO routinely reports back to the International Vice President.
(D) International Sgt-at-Arms
The International Sgt-at-Arms is concerned with law enforcement, anti-terrorism, and force protection. The International Sgt-at-Arms serves as the IPRC internal police force, and is responsible for maintaining order and discipline, enforcing rules and regulations, and protecting life and property. International Sgt-at-Arms is highly trained in preplanned responses to multiple variances of potential threats to the Club and its Members, thus he is designated to neutralize threats and promote safely executed Club missions within the bounds of law.
(E) International Ride Director
The International Ride Director shall assist Charter Ride Directors in learning to set routes for upcoming events and/or rides. The International Ride Director shall inform the XO of the proposed Club ride so that Club moneys may be accounted for. The International Ride Director is expected to work with the Charter Ride Directors to promote efficiency of Club rides. The Ride Director verifies route, formation, speed, passing, stops, re-fueling, break down procedure the road captain and tail gunner. The International Ride Director can lead the club in formation while riding as a club. There is no term limit for the international Ride Director position, and will be considered ongoing unless voted otherwise by majority vote (51%) of all current full Members of the Charter.
(F) Charter President
The Charter President shall supervise the affairs of their Charter, including but not limited to: charity and fundraising events, social gatherings, Charter meetings, and management of funds. The Charter President shall preside over all Charter meetings and events, and he shall conduct them with efficiency and dignity. The Charter President shall grant voice to all Members present, and shall consider all information before making decisions on behalf of the Charter. Other duties may include: co-signing checks on behalf of the Charter, receiving and allocating charitable funds, calling special meetings or holding special votes. The Charter President position shall hold term for a minimum of two years, and shall be decided by majority vote (51%) of the Charter Membership. Candidates for Charter Presidency must be a Member in good standing for a minimum of 4 years.
(G) Charter Vice President
The Charter Vice President shall be appointed by the Charter President, and must be a Member in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year. The Charter Vice President shall perform all duties and exercise all powers of the Charter President if the Charter President is absent or is otherwise unable to act. The Charter VP, together with the Charter President, shall oversee the operation of their Charter and ensure that the integrity of the Club name is upheld. The Charter VP is responsible for communicating the mission of IPRC to Charter Members, and implementing rewards/recognition and coaching/corrective strategies where he deems necessary.
(H) Charter XO
The Charter XO shall have charge and custody of all funds of the IPRC Charter. The XO shall deposit such funds as is required into the Charters' designated banking facility, and shall maintain adequate and correct accounts of the IPRC properties and business transactions, including but not limited to: banking documents, receipts, and any other transactions approved by the Charter President and Charter VP. The XO shall keep an accurate record of Member status to include applications, background checks, current licensing and insurance, addresses and contact information. The XO shall keep minutes of all meetings, and shall maintain correspondences pertaining to IPRC events and functions. The XO shall notify all Members of scheduled meetings, and shall notify the Charter Board of any and all moneys owed to or by the IPRC. The Charter XO shall be appointed by the Charter President.
(I) Charter Sergeant-at-Arms
The Charter Sergeant-at-Arms is the enforcer of the IPRC Charter, and shall be appointed by majority vote of (51%) of Charter Members. Duties of the Sergeant- at-Arms include, but are not limited to, maintaining order at Charter meetings, gatherings and events. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall notify the Charter President and/or Charter VP of any and all activities that may be detrimental to the integrity of the IPRC name, and/or the protection of IPRC Members’ life and properties. The Sergeant-at-Arms position shall be voted upon every two years. Upon election to the Sergeant-at-Arms position, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall report directly to the Sgt-at-Arms for a debriefing.
(J) Charter Ride Director
The Charter Ride Director shall assist in setting routes for upcoming events and/or rides. The Charter Ride Director shall consider time restrictions, rest stops, meals and other meetings when setting a route, and shall inform the XO of the proposed trip so that Club moneys may be accounted for. The Charter Ride Director is responsible for the safety of the rider, thus he is expected to take a safety survey of all bikes before a ride to eliminate any noticeable safety issues. The Charter Ride Director is expected to work with the Road Captains to promote efficiency of the ride and maintain tightness of formation. The Charter Ride Director, Prior to leaving on a run, verifies route, formation, speed, passing, stops, re-fueling, break down procedure the road captain and tail gunner. The Charter Ride Director can lead the club in formation while riding as a club. The Charter Ride Director ensures that new prospects are fully briefed on riding protocol and hand signals before they may ride with the club. A maintenance supervisor may optionally be designated to help with this requirement. There is no term limit for the Ride Director position, and will be considered ongoing unless voted otherwise by majority vote (51%) of all current full Members of the Charter.
(K) Optional Positions
Charter may elect to create optional positions not stated herein (including, but not limited to: Tail gunner, Chaplain, Support Vehicle Driver, etc.) as the need for such positions arise.
5.01 Consideration for Membership
To be considered for Membership in the IPRC, one must adhere to the following protocols:
(A) Membership Application
Sign and complete the IPRC Membership Application, indicating an agreement to abide by and maintain the integrity of the IPRC By-laws
(B) IPRC Oath
Sign the IPRC Oath, indicating they have read the Code of Conduct and agree to follow it to the best of their ability.
(C) Responsibility
Be responsible for the proper conduct and licensing of any and all fundraisers, raffles, or events that raise monies for Charter business and/or charities, and to do so in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
5.02 Open Membership
Membership of the IPRC is open to the public and any individual who exhibits dedication to the IPRC principles.
5.03 Motorcycle Requirements
All IPRC Members, including Prospect Members, must own and operate a motorcycle of 500cc or above. Members must possess a valid motorcycle operator’s license or permit, along with current motorcycle insurance.
5.04 Payment & Delivery of Colors
Each new Member Application shall be submitted electronically or in hard-copy to their Sponsor. Hard-copy applications must be accompanied by a photo ID, proof of insurance, motorcycle registration and motorcycle operator’s license, as well as a check or money order for a one-time application fee of $60 (checks and money orders can be made out to “Iron Phoenix Riding Club”). Once the new Membership fee is processed, IPRC will deliver that Member’s colors to their Charter President, who will then bestow the colors upon that Member when full Membership rights have been performed.
5.05 Conflicts of Interest
IPRC Members are prohibited from being a Member of any other Motorcycle Club/Riding Club and will be required to wear IPRC colors at any organized event at which the IPRC is being represented.
5.06 Full Disclosure
IPRC requires full disclosure of its Members; therefore, if a Member finds himself (or herself) in legal or moral trouble that might jeopardize the name of IPRC, that Member is expected to notify their President immediately. That President shall construct a plan to deal with the issue.
5.07 Mandatory Prospect Period
All Members of the IPRC will observe a mandatory Prospect period of three months.
6.01 Sponsorship & Induction
An individual who desires Membership with the IPRC shall have a Full Patched Member in good standing as a sponsor. The sponsor must have personal knowledge of the Prospect Member. The sponsoring Member shall introduce the Prospect to the Charter within the setting of a scheduled meeting. The Charter Executive Board shall have the opportunity to question the candidates’ qualifications, knowledge of the Club’s mission and philosophy, and reasons for joining the Club. The Prospect Member shall then be dismissed from the meeting, and attending Charter Members shall discuss that Prospect’s Prospect status. Induction as a Prospect shall be based on majority vote. The Prospect shall wear designated Prospect Colors until voted into the Club by majority vote as a Full Patched Member.
6.02 Voting Privileges
Prospect Members do not have voting privileges in the IPRC.
6.03 Task Responsibility
Prospect Members shall be responsible for any lawful task assigned by their sponsors, provided that task has been approved by the Charter President/Vice-President.
6.04 Riding Name
Prospect Members may submit a riding name for approval by the Charter President. A riding name may also be assigned by that Prospect’s sponsor.
6.05 Prospect Period
The Prospect period is set at a maximum of six months and a minimum of three months. Once the Prospect has proven he or she is worthy of becoming a Full Patch Member, their sponsor and/or any other Full Patched Member will motion for a vote at a scheduled meeting.
7.01 Meaning of Colors
The symbolism of the IPRC Patch is as follows: The phoenix is the symbol of our rebirth from the hardships of life and our dedication to helping others achieve that goal. The top of the patch has the word Iron which represents the strength yet fragility of one’s life. The word phoenix at the bottom has the same meaning as the phoenix head. The RC stand for riding club.
7.02 Placement of Colors
Because every region has its own cultural needs, Charters may decide upon the best placement of the colors to ensure safety and uniformity. It is recommended that the patch lay out along the back of a black leather vest with the Alliance patch being place under the beak of the phoenix.
The name tag should be on the right side chest of the vest (when looking at the vest) and the charter tag placed on the left. If member is an officer the office tag should be placed above the charter tag.
8.01 Non-Transferable Membership
Membership in the IPRC may not be transferred or reassigned to another person.
8.02 Non-Transferable Property
IPRC property, colors, patches and pins may not be transferred or reassigned to another person without approval of Charter and/or Club leadership.
9.01 Application Fee & International Dues
Prospect members shall pay a one-time fee of $60 to IPRC International upon application. Each Charter is expected to construct an Operating Policy that shall determine the amount and frequency of Charter Dues; the Charter XO is responsible for collecting dues for each Charter Member. All membership dues and fees are non-refundable. Ten percent (10%) of dues collected at an established charter will be paid to IPRC International. These monies will be set aside and used for IPRC International purposes. These purposes may include things such as, helping a new charter get established, treasury, banners, t-shirts, etc. The IPRC International XO will maintain a record of dues paid to and expenses of the IPRC International treasury.
9.02 Charter Accounts
Membership dues shall be paid to each Charter in accordance with that Charter’s Operating Policy. Each Charter is responsible for creating a bank account to hold dues and other Charter monies. All Charter Executive Board members should be listed as co-signers on the account. Each Charter shall draft up a legally binding agreement signed by all co-signers regarding the proper handling of Club Funds, which will clearly articulate: who can withdraw money, use a debit card, or sign checks on the account, and how much money can be spent without a Charter vote. If the Charter should fold, all Charter debts shall be paid from the Charter’s funds first, and the remaining balance shall be given to a charity chosen by the President’s Roundtable.
9.03 Refundable Fees
Reimbursement for return of patches is as follows: 50% refund up to a year of patch in date. 20% up to two years after initial refund period.
9.04 Non-Refundable Dues & Fees
All Membership dues and fees are non-refundable.
10.01 Meeting Times & Locations
Each Charter shall designate meeting times and locations. Each Charter is required to meet at least once every 90 days. Each Member is expected to attend at least two scheduled Meetings, and assist in at least two IPRC events per calendar year. Special exceptions can be made to this rule if the Charter President/Vice-President deems it necessary.
10.02 All Votes at Charter Meetings
All votes will take place at Charter Meeting. No Charter decisions will be made unless a majority vote can be reached. An absentee vote shall be allowed by a Full Patch Member if that absentee Member forwards their vote to the President/Vice-President prior to the meeting.
10.03 Day-to-Day Decisions
Club decisions pertaining to the day to day operation of the IPRC can be made by the President/Vice-President between scheduled meetings. The President/Vice-President may use their discretion to make decisions for the betterment of the Club. However, no decision requiring the use of IPRC monies (over $20) shall be made without a proper vote at a designated Meeting.
10.04 Visibility of Voting Issues
Voting issues may or may not be declared prior to a particular meeting. Therefore, if it is decided by those in attendance that the vote should not be held until all Members have had the right to vote, the issue shall be tabled until the following Charter meeting. If it is decided by those in attendance that the item up for vote does not require the input of every Charter Member, the vote shall proceed.
10.05 International Board Attendance
Members of the International Executive Board may attend any meeting held by any Charter. The Charter President of the Charter holding Meeting will always preside over that Charter Meeting, even if the International Executive Board President is present.
11.01 Formal Agreements
The IPRC has entered into agreements with certain fulfillment companies with respect to the management of Club image and merchandising. For this reason, no IPRC Club Member may reproduce the IPRC image on any clothing, apparel, accessories, or web media without express written permission of the IPRC International Executive Board. All purchases of merchandise or graphic representation of the IPRC colors must be made with the IPRC. Fulfillment agreements will be in effect until a new formal agreement is reached by the IPRC.
11.02 Purchasing Colors
All purchases of IPRC colors, merchandise, or other materials must be made through the IPRC International Executive Board. The IPRC image may, however, be reproduced on fliers and/or stationary at the discretion of the individual IPRC Charters (with the direct and specific permission from the Charter President). IPRC has the right to cease any Charter’s colors reproduction for any reason at any time.
11.03 Non-Partisan Representation
The IPRC is a non-partisan entity, and does not promote political activism of any kind. As such, the IPRC colors must never be represented at political rallies, campaign activities, demonstrations, or any other event meant to promote a political agenda. The IPRC name must never be associated with a Member’s personal political beliefs.
12.01 Member Resignation
If a Full Patched Member leaves the Club for any reason, he must submit their resignation in writing to the appropriate leadership.
12.02 Divorce, Separation, or Parting of Ways
In the event of divorce, separation, or another parting of ways between a Full Patched Member and another Full Patch Member, the rights of both the Full Patched Members will be respected equally by the Club.
13.01 Annual Membership Review
IPRC will review Membership status yearly on the basis of participation, behavior, continuing background checks, and overall dedication to the Club and its mission. If a Member is found to be in bad standing, the IPRC will decide if that Member shall be counseled, suspended, or terminated. The President for the territory in which the individual holds Membership will be notified and may also be involved in counseling.
13.02 Dismissal Procedures
Membership of any IPRC Member shall be terminated if that Member has submitted a written request for dismissal to the President and/or Vice President of thier Charter. The President and/or Vice President shall respond in writing to that request with permission of dismissal. Upon dismissal of a Member, all IPRC Colors (and any other material or digital Club property) will be returned to the Charter immediately. IPRC. Former Members and non-Members are prohibited from wearing IPRC Colors unless in a supporter capacity, per the discretion of the Club. (Any and all disagreements will be brought to a vote.)
13.03 Conduct Unbecoming of a Patch Holder
Termination can occur if any Member is found to have engaged in activities (online, in public, or within their family) that are unbecoming of a Patch Holder and reflect poorly on the Club as a whole, as defined in the Codes of Conduct. Any Charter President has the right to call a motion to have a Member suspended or voted out for conduct unbecoming of a Patch Holder. Once evidence is gathered and presented to all Charter Members, a vote will be held. No decisions for termination will be made unless a majority vote can be reached. If the Member is voted out, he or she must immediately turn in the IPRC Colors to a current Member in good standing, relinquish control of any digital information (Facebook account, email account, or otherwise), and relinquish control of any other IPRC property (bank account, trademark, etc). Any removed Member found in violation of the above requests after being excommunicated from the IPRC will be subject to litigation.
13.04 Violation of Bylaws
If a Patch Holder has violated the Bylaws and/or Code of Conduct to the degree that the violation has become known at the International level, the President’s Roundtable will discuss the issue and propose a plan for dealing with the violation; that proposal will be communicated to the Charter President. The Charter will have the opportunity to deal with the offending Member. If the violations continue, or if the Charter President is unwilling or unable to deal with the violation, the vote will be opened to the President’s Roundtable, which will determine any punitive measures that might be taken against a Member or a Charter. (The President of that Charter will have the opportunity to defend their actions, the Charter’s actions, and their Members’ actions at the Roundtable meeting.)
14.01 Club Integrity
The attitude of each Member (Full or Prospect) shall maintain a positive level of enthusiasm for the Club’s mission and accomplishments. Creating animosity and/or consistently displaying a negative attitude toward Club business shall be identified as harmful to the Club’s integrity, and shall be dealt with accordingly.
14.02 Chain of Command
All IPRC Members are expected to respect the chain of command established in the IPRC Constitution and By-laws. The chain of command is as follows: Prospect Members may defer to their sponsors; Full Members defer to the Executive Board of their own Charters. Charter E-Boards defer to the President’s Roundtable. At-Large members defer to the International Executive Board. No IPRC Member may make changes to Club operations, documents, patches, intellectual property, or announce any Club decisions outside of these provisions. Failure to commit to this chain of command may result in a formal inquiry.
14.03 Failure to Pay Dues
Failure to pay dues will result in an inquiry. If a Member is unable to pay dues due to reasons deemed acceptable by the appropriate Executive Board, arrangements can be made to meet necessary dues. Dues not paid for a succession of 90 days will result in suspension of IPRC Colors until dues can be brought current. Dues left delinquent for a 13 month period will result in Membership termination.
14.04 Criminal Charges
Any Member charged with a criminal matter shall be suspended immediately until the matter is adjudicated, or shall be dealt with by the Charter E-Board or Presidents’ Roundtable, according to the severity of the circumstances. The Presidents’ Roundtable will have final jurisdiction over the proper handling of a Member charged with a criminal offense.
14.05 Written Notification
A Member who has been suspended for any reason shall be notified in writing by the Charter President/Vice-President.
14.06 Suspension or Termination Procedures
If any suspension leads to termination, that termination shall be voted upon during a scheduled meeting by all attending Full Patch Members (or in cases of extreme urgency or flagrant violation of by-laws, by all E-Board Members). Each Member will be notified of the situation, and a vote will be held. If a Member cannot attend the scheduled meeting, that Member shall forward their vote to the Charter President/Vice-President, or abstain from the vote entirely. Majority vote will determine whether the Member in question is to be terminated, or whether full Membership rights can be regained. The same will hold true if the vote is rendered by all Board Members rather than the Members of the Charter. This instance could occur if several Members from one Charter were in violation of the by-laws, and a majority vote could be reached within the Charter. If the majority of a Charter is in violation of the Bylaws, the issue will be presented to the President’s Roundtable, and a majority decision will determine any punitive measures taken against the Charter.
14.07 Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action toward any Member for violation of the IPRC Constitution and By-laws will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and all circumstances surrounding the issue shall be considered. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to: verbal reprimand, written reprimand, probation, suspension, or termination. Disciplinary action of any kind shall be documented and included in that Member’s file for future review. Any issues and/or concerns that do not result in disciplinary actions, but have in some form disrupted the mission of the IPRC, will also be included in the Member’s file for future review. That file shall be maintained by the Charter XO, and hosted on the IPRC Cloud Drive and granted visibility to the Presidents’ Round Table.
14.08 Membership Reinstatement
A suspended Member who wishes to be reinstated must submit a written request to their Charter President/Vice-President. If the suspension resulted in dues or monies owed, that debt shall be paid in full before reinstatement in the IPRC. If the Member is unsatisfied with the response he has received from the Charter E-Board, he may forward their request to the Presidents’ Roundtable.
14.09 Formal Hearing Requests
Any Member who has been subjected to suspension or termination has the ability to request a formal hearing with the IPRC. The hearing will be presided over by the Member’s Charter E-Board and any other Charter Members. This hearing shall be the suspended or terminated Member’s opportunity to make a case for him or herself for immediate reinstatement into the Club. Upon completion of the discussion, the subject in question shall remove himself or herself from the room. The attending Members must approve the actions taken by the E-Board with a majority vote. If the attending Members do not support the actions taken by the IPRC, then the subject in question shall be immediately reinstated with full privileges. Should the Charter E-Board become unsatisfied with the Charter’s majority vote, the issue may be brought to the Presidents’ Roundtable, and the vote may be opened Club-wide.
14.10 Right to Revoke Membership
IPRC reserves the right to decline an application or revoke a Membership at any time for any reason.
15.01 Disclaimer
Membership with the IPRC is voluntary. As such, the IPRC shall not be held responsible for any acts of God, negligence, Members, or other motorists, that result in injury or death.